Backyard Cabin Rules NSW

This is a very important issue when deciding to buy a backyard cabin. People often give up on the idea of the backyard cabins as they put off by the idea of going through their local council. However, the process is far easier than you imagine. What is great is we build the to the same standards whether approval is sought prior to cabin kits galore building or not so if later down the track you seek retrospective approval everything should meet relevant codes.

We have all the processes and documents you need to get your little piece of heaven through council in a timely manor. BUT wait, depending where you live, you could be even luckier.

A lot of states have exempt development standards. We have a model to suit each state that is built to maximise the allowable space. For example, in NSW you are allowed to build a cabana/ cabin up to 20sqm and under 3m in height without council approval. This is determined at a state level so not a local one.

And guess what - we have different styles in stock that have an internal area of 19.98m and 2.9m in height

Generally it comes down to what you want to use the cabin for, if we build it as and exempt development and then later down the track you want to turn your backyard cabin into a seperate dwelling, you will need to apply for a change of use. 

Each council is different. Generally you can apply for a bathroom or laundry to be added to a cabin or shed, like the glorious dunny!! If you want to add a kitchenette it will generally trigger a full DA as they see that as a permanent seperate dwelling or granny flat.


Backyard Cabins Sydney